These videos on the topic of confession, reconciliation, and penance are made available online by their creators to provide an inspirational message to you to help you appreciate the beauty of the sacrament and encourage you to receive God's grace through it.
Fr. Robert Reed, director of CatholicTV, discusses The Light Is On For You and the importance of Confession in his own life. | |
Fr. Larry Richards speaks on confession at 2005 Boston Catholic Men's Conference | |
How to Go to Confession | |
How to Say the Act of Contrition | |
Pope Urges Faithful to Go to Confession | |
Matt Weber has a confession to make: He doesn't like going to confession. But he likes coming from confession. (CatholicTV) | |
Get Clean: An entrant in the 2011 i-Confess video contest for students from the New York-area dioceses. | |
Get Clean from the Inside Out with SoulWow! (A humorous message from the Diocese of Brooklyn, NY) |
Catholics Come Home - Rewrite the "Movie" of your Life | |
Catholics Come Home - Epic | |
Rome Reports: Archdiocese of Boston and Lent: A media campaign to welcome Catholics who want to confess | |
An invitation from Bishop Robert Hennessey for The Light Is On For You, Lent 2010 | |
Cardinal Seán O'Malley is interviewed by Greg Wayland of New England Cable News about The Light Is On For You. |